Tips and Tricks

The Meaning of Colors: Brown

Discover why you should use the brown color for your logo. Colors have meanings. Consequently, what is associated with brown? The symbolism of the colors is not to be neglected!
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Brown: The Color of the Earth

Why not use brown during your logo creation process? Brown is a color that is made by mixing the three primary colors. It is then a tertiary color that is considered more like a warm color than a cold one. Often forgotten or seen as a bland color by some, brown is, however, a very present color in nature. You only have to think about trees or earth. Otherwise, it is also the color of comfort food like chocolate or coffee. This color is not very used on logos but it can surely bring a nice distinguished or historical touch to your brand.

Different shades of brown to use during your logo creation process

Tip : Brown can be the perfect color to use with more aggressive or dynamic nuances.
Color copied !
Mahogany Hex : #88421d
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Auburn Hex : #9d3e0c
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Beige Hex : #c8ad7f
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Brick Hex : #842e1b
Color copied !
Sepia Hex : #702c14
Color copied !
Terracotta Hex : #8c5230

Colors that harmonize well with brown

Logos that use the brown color

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The Brown Color and History

Brown pigments were one of the first to be used by mankind since it was very easy to produce them. It was not considered as exactly a color since they thought that it was the natural tint of things like wood, flax or leather that you then needed to dye. Brown was also the color of grief during antiquity. During the Middle Ages, monks chose to wear brown clothes to show their modesty and renunciation will. More recently, this color has been associated with far-right political parties in some countries.

The Brown Color and Flags

Brown is unfortunately not used on national flags, apart from on coats of arms on some flags. It is the case of Ecuador where a brown condor is on the country’s emblem. Otherwise, after some research, we found some state or prefecture flags where brown is used. Japan’s Kumamoto and Yamaguchi prefectures have white and brown flags. Many American states also have brown on their official flags. We can give as examples the flags of Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Idaho, Oklahoma, and Utah; however, the best known is the California flag with a bear on it.

Know more about other colors

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